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September 21, 2012 / sweetestidleness

Visiting Miami.

Miami is located in the southeastern part of Florida. The population of the city is over 400 000 people. Miami gained a status of the Cruise Capital of the world as it has the biggest port in the country and has lots of cruise ships. Also Miami is called The Magic city as it is developing rapidly. More and more immigrants prefer Miami to other cities in the United States. And of course Miami is extremely popular among immigrants from Latin America. Thus over 60% people living in Miami are Spanish-speaking immigrants. Truly the city is the Gateway to Latin America. So before visiting the city you may refresh your knowledge of Spanish.

Visiting Miami for the first time you should start from the walking tour and discover amazingly beautiful the Miami Beach Architectural District also known as Miami Art Deco District that is located in the South Beach.

Visiting the city you would be attracted to beautiful beaches of course. If you are an environmental person then do not forget to visit the national parks located nearby. They are Everglades National Park and Biscayne National Park. Both of them have unique flora and fauna. Thus the American Crocodile, the Florida Panther inhabit in Everglade Park. Miami is home for one of the best zoos in the country. It has spices from different continents including Australia, Africa, and Asia. By the way Miami zoo is cageless. You may also visit Parrot Jungle Island that offers a variety of educational programs. And of course do not forget about Monkey Jungle park.

One of the most popular tourist attractions of the city is Miami Seaquarium. It features dolphins, killer whales, sea turtles, sea lions and other creatures. Do not forget to see shows with dolphins and killer whales. They are amazing indeed.

Miami also has lots of museums. The most popular art museums are Bass Museum of Art, Lowe Art Museum, Miami Art Museum, Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) at North Miami and of course World Erotic Art Museum. Probably the most popular museum is MOCA. The collection of the museum is impressive. It has works of local and international artists. It has lots of different cultural programs including MOCA by Moonlight, 5 Minutes of Fame and Arts for All. Visit the official web-site to find more information.

The more comprehensive information about the city and area you may find visiting It is covering information on current events and nightlife of the city. Enjoy your visit!

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